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Alliance for Children and Youth Uganda (A4CY-U) in partnership from Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Uganda has since 2018 been implementing a project aimed at strengthening community engagement towards achievement of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets and ensuring delivery of quality HIV/TB and psychosocial services along the continuum of care.

from 2018 to 2020, this project has been implemented in sub counties of Karambi sub county, Mahango Sub county, Kilembe Sub county, Rukoki Sub county and Bulembia Division. From then to date, this project is being implemented in Bugoye, Hiima Town Council, Kitswamba and Rukoki sub counties.

Today we are reaching out to a target of 544 OVC’s with whom we are meant to serve at least 3 or more core program services in the following;

Child protection: providing psychosocial support, will and memory writing, support to disabled OVC’s, legal support for GBV survivors, child re-integration with family and sensitization on child protection.

Economic stability and security: under this we do VSLA/SILC promotion, IGA, business skills, apprentiship/vocational skills, startup kit/capital/cash transfer and referral for economic strengthening services.

Survival and Health

  1. Health, Water, Sanitation and Shelter: OVC’s and caregivers assisted to access safe water, provided with shelter, access to health care and HIV services, health information services and referred for HWSS services.
  2. Food security and nutrition: support care givers with Agricultural and farming inputs, agricultural advisory services, nutrition education/counselling, food/supplements assistance and referral to other institutions for support.
  3. HIV care status: knowing beneficiary status, positive linked to care and initiated on ART, ensure viral load conducted regulary.

Education and development: we have provided services like encouraging parents to enroll OVC’s in ECD centers, training caregivers in importance of education and enrolling children in school, ensure supported children are regularly attending school, we have also provided some OVC’s with school fees and scholastic materials, and others referred to other institutions for education support.


  1. We have supported 2047 pregnant mothers to access medical services hence increasing visibility of the organization in the community.
  2. A total number of 2141 OVC and Caregivers were served from October 2021 to September 2022. Of these 1571 (73.3 %) were OVC and 570 (26.6%)
  3. 2047 clients referred from the community to the health facility for Antenatal Care Services.
  4. 1337 active beneficiaries served by OVC programs (Core Program Areas) for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS (Home visited in the present & preceding quarter with complete and clear home visit form and action plan filled out; Knowledge of current HIV &VL status for those eligible with appropriate interventions to achieve 2nd & 3rd 95)
  5. 1332 OVC have been served with 3 or more core program areas during the reporting period.
  6. 135 presumptive TB cases referred to the health facility and confirmed to be presumptive (Refer all contacts <5years for IPT if no symptoms of TB; refer as presumptive if has symptoms of TB)
  7. 200 people screened for TB in Congregate Settings (Including community Sensitization Sessions before screening)
  8. 25 TB patients on TB CB DOTS
  9. 95 persons identified in the community, referred to the health facility/CDO and received a service for post GBV clinical care.

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