Muhindo Joseph
Joseph Heads programs at Alliance for Children and Youth Uganda the position he has hold since 2018, he provides leadership, strategic project development and management of the Alliance for Children and Youth Uganda programs through the 5 core values of: Transparency, Voluntary service, Innovation, Gender and Cultural-sensitivity and Advocacy he as well supervises day to day implementation of activities and reports to the Executive Director. Before promotion to HOP he worked as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the some Organization
Joseph holds a bachelor Degree in Demography and Reproductive Health from Kyambogo University, Certificate in monitoring and Evaluation, He has also attended several trainings in management, guidance and counselling, sexuality and reproductive health, gender based violence among others.
Before joining Alliance team Joseph worked with Save the Children as data entrant and rapporteur, Baylor Uganda as data entrant, volunteered ad data Officer Kasese district local government (District Health Office), volunteered at Reproductive Health Uganda Kampala. These previous work places have contributed much to his success in Alliance for Children and Uganda.